
When you choose a school for your child, you choose a 社区 for your family. We are proud of Rogers Park Montessori School’s close-knit 社区, 把父母的身体看作是太阳成集团tyc151cc最大的财富之一. 整个学年, parents have opportunities to show their support in meaningful ways: through financial contributions, by 志愿者ing time and services to support school events and special projects, by serving as leaders on the 董事会 or other committees, 通过积极参与孩子的教育.


A thriving parent organization lies at the heart of the rpm 社区. The Rogers Park Montessori School Family Association (rpm FA) builds 社区, 从事家庭, and it fosters a culture of transparency through communication. 由一群家长志愿者管理, the FA facilitates meaningful 志愿者 opportunities for all families. 不管你的兴趣是什么, 技能, 或可用性, there is an opportunity for you to contribute to the school 社区. Every parent or guardian of an rpm student is automatically a member of the Family Association. 

The Family Association’s leadership team collaborates with the school 政府 to nurture and strengthen the rpm 社区 and support its students and teachers.

The Family Association sponsors a variety of family activities and 志愿者 opportunities throughout the year. Everyone is invited to attend the regular Family Association Coffee Connections, 哪些是认识其他家庭成员的好方法, 学习如何参与, 看看学校里发生了什么事.


家庭协会的工作进行了 out by the FA Leadership Team and a number of committees, which are led by 家庭的志愿者. The FA Leadership Team coordinates FA activities, works with the Director of Advancement to coordinate school activities and 志愿者 opportunities, and assists the Principal with strategic initiatives, as 要求. 

有个主意? 一个问题? 想做志愿者吗?? Members of the FA Leadership Team would love to hear from you. 你可以伸手 他们在 fa@rpms.org.


From classroom observations and presentations to more formal educational sessions, 家长教育有许多不同的形式. 学习蒙台梭利哲学的机会, rpm课程, 你的孩子进步很大.

观察: Parents are invited to observe in their child’s classroom to see a typical day

家长会: Formal and informal parent teacher conferences provide insight into your child’s development and progress

家长及家长/儿童之夜: 在秋天和春天, each class holds gatherings for families to get to know each other and the school environment

“通过蒙台梭利移动”: 1月, parents with children ages 4 and up are encouraged to attend our open house, which familiarizes parents with the Montessori curriculum and co-curricular 项目 at rpm, especially as it relates to children transitioning from one level to another.

表演: Elementary and 中学 children present music and drama performances throughout the year

学生展示: Kindergarten through 中学 students take part in different “fairs,” which the parents are invited to attend to showcase projects and work.

高中方向: Special presentations 关于 the high school 招生 process are offered in the fall

教育机会: 父母是孩子的第一任老师和小学老师, 当父母和学校共同努力时, 儿童受益匪浅.  来协助你的合作, we offer opportunities throughout the year to hear from faculty, 政府, 或者是各种主题的外部演讲者.


Volunteers offer vital time and talent to our 社区 and in return reap the rewards of contributing to the success of our school and our students. 下面是一些参与的机会.

  • 年度联欢晚会(春季活动/Springtacular)
  • 董事会 和委员会
  • 书展
  • 合伙使用汽车 & 交通协管员
  • 多元化及共融委员会
  • 祖父母节
  • 新的家庭大使
  • Pumpkinpalooza
  • 房间协调员
  • ROOTS(家长协会)
  • 学校野餐
  • 教师员工爱吃饭
  • 为“可移动的字母表”写一篇文章

Looking for additional ways to 志愿者 and get involved with rpm? Contact roots@xkhao.net 获取更多志愿者机会. 点击这里 填写太阳成集团tyc151cc的在线问卷.



In 2016 the Banyan Tree took its place as the official “room” of the rpm Alumni Association. 这个“房间”包括所有的校友, 校友家长, 前教职员工, 和rpm的其他朋友.

The meaning in choosing the Banyan Tree for the Alumni Association:

  • 开始在他们之前的树上生长
  • 都是重要的聚会场所
  • 有又长又深的根
  • 有象征团结的分支吗

Our mission is to help members maintain meaningful connections with our 社区, 发现新的联系, and keep the vibrant spirit of Rogers Park Montessori School alive for generations to come. Our members embody and support the mission and 值 of rpm in their personal and professional lives. 在一起, we work to preserve the rpm culture and inspire the continuation of a lifelong love of learning.

The wide-reaching branches of the Banyan Room work directly with rpm to support a full spectrum of events and needs, 从社交聚会, 鼓舞人心的学习机会, 支持太阳成集团tyc151cc学校目前和未来的需要.  榕树屋连接, 庆祝, and engages 校友 and friends of rpm through events that knit the 校友 社区 together, 建立终身关系.

爷爷奶奶 & 特殊的朋友

祖父母节 gives 爷爷奶奶 还有特别的朋友 an opportunity to learn more 关于 a "day in the life" of an rpm student.  At rpm 太阳成集团tyc151cc的价值 the partnership we have with our children and their families, and recognize that extended family members are an integral part of a child’s educational journey.  太阳成集团tyc151cc的客人聚集在一起与太阳成集团tyc151cc的校长举行简短的招待会, 然后和他们所爱的人一起参观教室。.

今年'年代的祖父母 Day将于2024年5月10日星期五举行.

请于 advancement@rpms.org to make sure we have the postal and email addresses for your extended family members to receive invitations to this event. 关于祖父母节的问题可以直接问 advancement@rpms.org or 773-271-1700.

For five decades, 爷爷奶奶 还有特别的朋友 have been central to the rpm family.  Grandparents 还有特别的朋友 have 志愿者ed in classrooms, 参加祖父母节, 戏剧, 和毕业典礼, 并慷慨捐赠以支持学校.  In fact, it was 爷爷奶奶 who gave the lead gift to build our exceptional facility. 

Grandparents 还有特别的朋友 receive several publications and event announcements from the school throughout the year, including the Moveable Alphabet newsletter and 祖父母节 invitations.  

We also love hearing news 关于 our 爷爷奶奶 还有特别的朋友!  有什么有趣的东西要分享吗?  电邮至 advancement@rpms.org and we will include your story on our website or in an upcoming edition of the Moveable Alphabet, 两年一次的校友通讯, 爷爷奶奶, 还有特别的朋友.





1800 W. 芝加哥巴尔莫勒尔大街,伊利诺伊州60640


电话/文本: 773.271.1700      电子邮件: info@rpms.org

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